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May 25, 2020Liked by Colin Bartlett

I used to train myself to embrace relative line-numbers. But in the end I just stuck with visual selecting the portion I need for an operation. I know some vimmers see this as inefficient, but I like it for the following reasons:

1.) I can always visually predict what will happen, e.g. literally see the visually selected block before I yank it, or before I cut it. With `d3j` or `y6k`, I'll always have to make sure my operation was correct afterwards.

2.) There are several other motions we can make use of together with visual select, such as `vip` for selecting a paragraph, making sure vim correctly did so visually, then yank or indent or cut. On top of that, we can use `H`, `M`, and `L` to roughly get to where we want to be on the screen -- this prevents us from having to hold down j or k for 5 seconds.

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